Nightingale Community Garden

For everyone to enjoy

Opening Times

We are open during the following hours. Please note that these times are subject to change.


Between 10am and 6pm

The exact times depend on the availability of volunteers to do the gate. In Summer, it is open later into the evening.

For special events or requests, please contact us for additional opening times.

How to Volunteer

We are always looking for new volunteers.

Contact us


We have turned a dis-used bowling green into a biodiverse garden for everyone to enjoy. We are in a corner of Nightingale Park/Rec, across the Hills Road from Addenbrooke's hospital and biomedical campus in South Cambridge.

Funding the garden project: We have been successful making applications for funding for the larger changes to the garden, but needed additional funding for everyday expenses like our annual insurance and smaller new projects. In August 2021, we started a Friends Group, which has been great: all welcome to join. It has a Newsletter, which is also available online.

In May 2018, we started a constituted group (with its own bank account), Nightingale Community Gardeners.

The image contains a bank and flowers

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